Worker's Comp in Bedford

Have You Been Injured on the Job?
Call Us (440) 232-4325 Today
If you have been hurt or injured on the job in Bedford we are here to help. You don’t need a referral from your primary physician to be seen by us. Our Worker’s Comp certified doctors will give you a thorough examination to determine the exact extent of your injuries. If we need to do diagnostic imaging such as X-rays, MRI scans, EMGs, or Discograms we will take care of that too. Our goal at Bedford Chiropractic & Effective Rehabilitation is to make sure your injuries are accurately and thoroughly diagnosed.
We Provide Safe & Gentle Holistic Care in Bedford
After establishing your injuries/diagnoses, we will provide you the best possible care to make sure your pain is alleviated, your ranges of motion are restored, your muscle tonicity returns to normal and your physical functionality is regained. We do this through non-invasive, safe, effective, and Worker’s Comp. allowed/covered treatments including:
- Gentle Chiropractic Care
- Massage Therapy
- Non-invasive Spinal Decompression Therapy
- Physical Rehabilitation Exercises
- Gentle Electric muscle Stimulation
- Therapeutic Ultrasound
- Laser light Therapy
- Cryotherapy
We work with Specialists If it is Needed
If your injuries need the assistance of our colleagues in the Orthopedic Department, Neurology Department, or Pain Management Department we will make the appropriate referrals in a timely manner so you get better in the shortest possible time.
We Work with Your Attorney
If your claim or treatments are denied by Worker’s Comp. for some reason, we will provide the appropriate documentation, rebuttal, or support letter to get your claim or treatment approved. If you have a Worker’s Comp. attorney, we will work with them to make sure they have what they need to help you with your claim.
We help You with Worker’s Documentation
Our staff and doctors will support you all the way from the diagnoses and treatment to making sure all the required forms are filled out and submitted in a timely manner including C-9 forms, Medco-14 forms, C-86 forms, etc…
If you are unable to go back to work, we will make appropriate recommendations for you. If you need light-duty work, we will submit the appropriate paperwork on your behalf.
We provide Disability Evaluations
Should your claim need additional allowances, temporary disability assessment, permanent disability assessment, or appeal denied treatment, our staff and/or doctors will take care of them promptly for you.
Call Us (440) 232-4325 Today for An Appointment Today
Make your appointment today and let us help you with your worker’s comp claim so that you can heal and return to pre-injury status. The earlier you call, the sooner you will recover from your injuries.
9:00am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 7:00pm
3:00pm - 7:00pm
9:00am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 7:00pm
9:00am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 7:00pm
9:00am - 1:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
Bedford Chiropractic & Effective Rehabilitation
690 Broadway Ave
Bedford, OH 44146